Thursday, 20 August 2015

busy week!

Hi everyone!

I'm sorry that I haven't been able to post every day this week, but it's because I've been soooo busy with school! I just finished my mock exams so there is A LOT of school work that everyone has to catch up with!

I have also been deciding my future at school. what I'm doing for work experience and whether I'm doing HSC (New South Wales High School Certificate) or IBDP (International baccalaureate Diploma Programme). It has been tough decisions and it's even scarier when you know that what ever choices you make influence the rest of your life! I've been super stressed out.

On another note, my little brother just made me this necklace:

it's a choker made out of paperclips! Very creative haha! 

Anyways, I have to finish my work now! 

I'll write again soon! 



Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Beep test & cookies!

Hi everyone!

sorry I didn't post yesterday- I was busy with school work so I never ended up finding the time! (whoops!)

Yesterday was just an average day.
However, every afternoon, for two hours on a monday we have sport (P.E.). Now don't get me wrong, I love sport. I may not be the best at it but I do find it really fun. The only times I really hate sport is when we do "fitness testing". Fitness testing it basically another way of saying "you're going to work out harder than you ever have before until your lungs and heart almost explode and your legs ache for the rest of the week". Believe me, it's not fun.

So yesterday afternoon, as you have probably guessed, we did fitness testing. Actually, we had already done most fitness testing, like push-ups, sit-ups etc. but yesterday we had to do something called 'The Beep Test'. The beep test, in all honesty, is the devils worst creation. It's very hard to explain what it is but lets just say it tests your cardiovascular strength! (running a lot).
So that was horrible.

But, when I arrived home, me and my younger brother made cookies! Unfortunately I did not film it but if you would like, I can possibly do video on it!

(this is what I wish our cookies turned out like!)

sorry for such a short post but I'm very tired!

I'll write again soon!



Sunday, 16 August 2015

Scrumptious Sunday!

Hi everyone! 

I spent this entire morning editing and filming videos! However, the video I filmed was so much fun as I made healthy, vegan flapjacks! They were nut-free and sugar-free (which didn't make them as sweet as my sweet-tooth would've liked!) but they were soooo tasty and I would definitely recommend making them! click here to see how to make them! 

Anyways, this evening me and my mum went down to an Epicurean Market! It was really interesting but so busy and crowded that half of the stalls had thirty minute lines so we didn't stay there for too long. Afterwards, we went out for an Italian before having to head home and do homework (however I am procrastinating slightly by writing a blog post!) 

So goodnight everyone, I shall write again soon! 



Here are some photos from today! 

Saturday, 15 August 2015

I very much dislike mornings...

Hi everyone!

Have I ever mentioned that very much dislike mornings? And not just mornings where you have to wake up extra early for school or work, but just mornings in general. I firstly hate waking up to the feeling of a dry and very bloated face (probably from water retention in the body) and then having to wash that face, which then brings out all of the blemishes on the face which had been slowly covered up during the night. The second thing I very much dislike is getting changed out of your cosy, warm pyjamas into normal clothes. The transition between the different clothes could possibly be described as the worst part of the morning. The immediate change from the feelings of comfort, warmth and relaxation to ridiculously cold, uncomfortable and generally unhappy is actually crazy. And I hate it. I also don't like having to brush my teeth, and then being pressured by everyone to eat, like no. Eating straight after using minty toothpaste is the worst. It makes everything you eat taste minty and takes away the nice, fresh breathe that you just had. Finally I just dislike the negative vibes that everyone gives off in the mornings. Everyone is groggy. Everyone is tired. It's inevitable. So incase you didn't know, I do not like Mornings. at. all. 

I don't think I will ever be a morning person. 


Anyways, the relation of that rant to anything else in this post is that I did have to wake up early this morning. I woke up and feel asleep 3 times before actually getting out of bed! However, it was because I have gymnastics every saturday morning and my younger brother has his football at the same location. So, before I go to gymnastics, I have to get a taxi at 8:30 am every single saturday morning with my mum and brother and sit for two hours watching him play football. It is not fun.
As well as that, it is always scorching hot. I mean, for many, the heat may be a blessing-but for me? not so much.

Anyways, my day brightened up after gymnastics, and I actually felt more awake and energised (logic is amazing) and now I'm just sitting here editing a video (coming soon!) and writing this post!

Well, that's all that happened today! maybe your day was more productive.

I'll write again soon!



Friday, 14 August 2015


FINALLY! Its's friday! [insert Rebecca Black song here]

I hope you have a great weekend!



Thursday, 13 August 2015

Hi everyone! Welcome to Giselle's Chatterblog!

Hi everyone! 

I have finally created my first ever blog! yay! I have always had the intention to create my own blog since 2013, as I love writing and expressing myself with words. However, when I began to film videos for my youtube channel (Giselle's chatterbox), I had the perfect opportunity to create a blog, and so I did! I know that having a blog is very common, especially with youtubers, but I knew that I should never waste a chance to write. 
Anyways, enough with all this cheesy talk! Let me introduce myself so you know exactly who the person behind the screen is! 

My name is Giselle Greulich-smith. I am a British girl and I have lived in Britain for almost all of my life. The past three years of my life, however, have been spent living in South-east Asia. Although it is different over here in comparison to England, it's still so amazing and culturally diverse. My homesickness does get the better of me at times. 

I love to sing, do gymnastics and dance! I have been doing gymnastics and dancing since the age of four and I've been singing since....forever? But definitely not professionally! 

 On another note, I have two siblings, whom of which are both boys, so I am the only girl in the family - excepting my mum, of course, and I am the middle child; this often equals in the youngest and the eldest playing pranks on me! But, we all get along really well and I cannot think of what my life would be like without them! 
I also have two naughty-but-adorable cats (if you have seen my youtube channel and seen a few of my videos, I do mention my cats quite often!) that are called Minx and Jade.  They are from time to time very troublesome but they are mostly fun, loving (could be argued) and ADORABLE!  

So in the end, if you haven't already gathered, I am a little bit more on the quirky side - but I think thats ok! I want to use my blog as a way to write entertaining stories that make you laugh until you cry, but I also want to give as much advice about different things in life that may help you all and could possibly help you avoid mistakes that I have once made! And last of all be a bit more "girly" as it could be described (although I think it shouldn't be stereotyped!), and talk about fashion, makeup, food/cooking and music! I do this and much more on my youtube channel, but how much more fun and relaxing life is when you can just sit down and read! 

Love you guys lots! 

I will write again soon!


P.S. sorry for my very cheesy first blog post!